The origins of roofing felt can be traced back to over a hundred years. Roofing felt, is a material that lies between the actual roof and the house and the final layer of roofing material. It is an added layer of protection from the elements, and a necessary layer should even one tile be blown off of your roof in a storm.
The original purpose of the roofing felt was to waterproof the roof in case any of the shingles/ tiles were removed. Roofing felt allowed more flexibility in the re-roofing process, making it possible to remove the roof one weekend, install Roofing Felt (keeping the home dry during the week) and then install new clay tiles or shingles several days later. Roofing felt protects the roof, which means it ultimately protects your home. It provides a barrier between the wood sheathing on the roof and the final roofing material.
What are the benefits of PVC Roofing Felt?
- Waterproof – The chemical composition of the PVC makes it impossible for water to penetrate providing your roof with a very solid waterproofing system. This also provides you a moisture barrier between wood decking and roofing tiles
- Long lasting – PVC is generally expected to last at least 15 – 20 years with little or no maintenance providing durability to the construction of the roof.
- Fire retardant – As a material that does not catch fire the PVC roofing felt increases the safety rating of your construction. It can also offer up to 80% solar reflectivity.
- Termite resistance - Increasing durability as a result. You can be safe knowing the bugs and other insects won't be getting through the tiles into the house with the roofing felt protection in place.
- Cost efficient compared to other products available in the market. The PVC roofing felt is relatively cheap comes in 10m and 20m rolls that can be easily laid on.
How do I use it?
Roofing felt comes in rolls, typically 36” wide. The felt is rolled onto the roof in strips, with some overlap. It should be applied to start at the bottom edge of the roof and then work your way up. Should water penetrate the shingles, you want it to roll easily down the roofing felt, without being able to drop into any seams between sheets, to the gutter. While installing roofing felt is a simple process, it should still be done with great care. Wrinkles in the sheet, gaps in coverage, or overlapping that is done improperly will greatly compromise the overall waterproofing aspects of the roof.
Virtually impossible to tear, and able to withstand the demands of extreme weather, the roofing felt of today is an important part of the roof construction. Stronger, sturdier, and easier to work with, today quality roofing felt is required as a roofing underlayment under most government building regulations.